Project Title: AI for Medical Imaging |
Project Description:
Rationale and Objective: Cancer and neurological disorders have significant impact on the well-being of patients and carry a heavy economic burden on healthcare systems. While some diseases may respond to therapy, there are unfortunately no cures at the present time. To reduce the mortality rates, long-term disabilities and to alleviate economic burden, the mechanisms, causes and progression of disease need to be understood so that treatment and intervention can be applied early. Researchers are investigating digital pathology images and magnetic resonance images (MRI) of the brain to look for precursors and characteristics of cancer and neurological disease. To better understand disease, images from large patient cohorts need to be analyzed and correlated with clinical data to model disease progression, causes, and to identify new risk factors. To describe disease processes quantitatively, image processing methods will be developed to extract biomarkers from medical images. The student will work on a particular component of the pipeline namely object detection. There are several R&D phases involved in the development of this system: 0) literature review, 1) algorithm design (preprocessing, segmentation, registration), 2) validation, 3) knowledge dissemination. |
RA Position Duties and Resposibilities
(Include Interaction with Research Team Members, Supervisory Arrangements):
Duties and Responsibilities: The RA hired for this position will be responsible for: 1) Literature review: PowerPoint presentation and report detailing relevant works, including an analysis of existing open-source tools 2) Algorithm R&D: Develop prototypes for preprocessing, and segmentation in Matlab/Python 3) Knowledge Dissemination: The RA will be encouraged to submit a paper to a local conference. Interaction with Research Team Members & Supervisory Arrangements: The RA will be an integral member of the Image Analysis in Medicine Lab (IAMLAB), and they will work in the lab for the allocated time. The lab is comprised of a PI (supervisor), MAScs, RAs, PhDs and PDFs. They will interact with fellow members (it is strongly encouraged that lab-mates converse, collaborate and help one-another). It is typically for lab members to collaborate on projects and publications. There are weekly group meetings where students/RAs present their research and the RA candidate will be expected to take part in this. In terms of reporting and interaction with the supervisor, the candidate will be responsible to submit a weekly update report, detailing any progress made/attempted, followed by meeting with the PI/team to discuss the updates. This position also has the potential to be converted into an MASc position. |
How Many Students Are Currently Under Your Supervision: Undergraduate:
Masters: 5
Doctoral: 3
Animals Will Be Used In Research:
Human Subjects Involved:
Hazardous Materials, Equipment, or Processes Will Be Involved
in the Research:
Research Experience and Opportunites Offered RA:
This experience surrounds R&D in the cutting edge field of medical image analysis and machine learning; a field that has growing potential and is gaining attention from physicians, researchers, government and industry as an area that holds potential to revolutionize the way medicine is practiced in terms of improving patient care. As the IAMLAB is focused on developing commercial solutions and translational technologies, the research experiences will prepare the student for future research experiences in academia and industry alike. Computing resources and data are key components to train HQP in the area of algorithm design, medical imaging and machine learning. Using the equipment and data, HQP will learn how to manage large images, load and view radiology images, develop algorithms for medical images using Matlab/C/C++, how to integrate algorithms into medical image viewers using SDKs/APIs and how to create effective PowerPoints (monthly group seminars). These are all marketable skills in the medical imaging space, as imaging department in hospitals around the world are in need of engineers who can manage and improve imaging and data workflow. Additionally, medical imaging companies (radiology, pathology) are always in need of good engineers with practical experience to improve products. Experiences in my lab will make them well-equipped for these roles. The development of coding skills, and ability to operate/use SDKs/APIs has large application to many industries which could include many roles: high performance computing, web development, software development, project management and product development. Of course, a large component of the skills that HQP will gain is around the ability to conduct state-of-the-art research; which would prepare them for future research opportunities. |
Specific Skills / Knowledge / Experience Required
(Include Any Required Courses, Computer Programs, etc.):
Skills, Education & Experience Requirements - Undergraduate student in Electrical / Computer Engineering or Biomedical Engineering - Signals and Systems I & II (ELE 532 / ELE 632 or BME 532 / BME 632) - Medical Image Processing (BME 872) * not required - Biomedical Signal Processing (BME 772) * not required - Exceptional Matlab coding experience with signals and images - Experience with software systems and programming with C/C++ - Experience with algorithm design for images and/or signals - Machine learning knowledge - Organized with the ability to manage large projects - Strong communication skills |